The official new blog of Chin Ga Mei ;) I'll blog about what I ate, what i cooked, what i shopped, what I did and simply just any random thoughts of mine. Stay tune ♥

Ampang Korean Food

Went Ampang with Jerry yesterday and we had really awesome Korean food for the whole day ~ It is actually my second visit to Korean Village. The first time we had pretty awesome Korean BBQ and bought some Korean snacks as well. Yesterday, we stopped by at Ampang Point and shopped around. Then we had some korean snacks first.

 Korean sushi~ not bad though but I miss Yea Sun's mom sushi with Bulgogi inside! Yums~

This is a major letdown, Korean Seafood Pancake with a tad too thick batter. And the condiments were so damn little! I only tasted spring onions and a few bits of squid =.= Even the one in the Korean Restaurant in Miri tasted much better.
After wandering around in Ampang Point, we decide to walk to the Korean Village. But damn! It started to rain T.T So we went to Old Town to have some ice blended hazelnut coffee ( yums~ )  and waited for the rain to stop.The rain stopped at 6 something then we walked to Korean Village and looked around~
The Korean Village~ basically it's just some shop lots with lotsa korean restaurants and korean marts. There is a cafe and bakery called Provence Bakery operated by a korean guy. The interior is very comfy and they sell mouth-watering breads~ I went there on my first visit to Korean Village so I went back again to grab something before it closed. 

Then, we walked around in the Korean marts and found a lot interesting snacks and canned food ( all imported from korea of course ) and we saw canned silk pupa =.= yucks ! I was tempted to buy some kimchi to make kimchi ji gae but then I'm going back Miri soon so I didn't buy any T.T

It is very hard for us to decide which restaurant to dine coz all of them are selling the same food! The one that we went last time was quite good ( the first shop from the left in the picture above ) but then we wanted to go for something new. So we wandered around and see which shop has more customers. At last we decided to go to the shop beside the shop that we visited last time.

The food is nice! And their meat is really fresh. They sliced their meat on the spot with a machine once the customers placed an order. They have this chiller-displaying-thing to let you choose the meat yourself. We ordered one portion of thinly sliced pork belly and one portion of lamb ribs. Then out of curiosity, I ordered the pork soup with pig face meat and stuffed pork sausage. The thing that impressed us most is that the Bangladesh staff jotted down our order in Korean words! WTF betul, they can speak korean somemore. Now, let the pictures do the talking.
hot burning charcoal placed underneath the metal plate

Firstly, the staff glazed the metal plate with the onion, the placed the pork belly piece by piece. They're like bacon with no seasoning. 
Our table which is full of condiments! They are bottomless actually and I kept asking for more kimchi and lettuce XD
Lamb ribs! My favourite !

The way of eating korean bbq is, take a piece lettuce, pick a piece of meat and dip it into your choice of sauce and add your choice of condiment. I like to add spring onions, kimchi and some garlic :) Then wrap it up and eat! Sluuuurrppssss ~ ~

There come the soup. It's steaming hot so I didn't really manage to take clear picture of it. It is actually a DIY soup. The soup came with no seasoning and you have to season it yourself. They gave us seasoning salt, fermented shrimps ( the one you need to make kimchi ), chopped spring onions and chili paste. The soup is quite good but nothing impressive. I still prefer kimchi ji gae~ my all time favourite to go with rice =)

We had a very satisfied meal and we were bloated! The bill came up with RM 59 which is think is quite worth it. I can't wait to explore more restaurants in Korean Village next time when I get back to KL =) Switzerland doesn't have korean food T___________T



时间过得好快哦, 现在已经degree term 4 的最后一个星期了。 很难想象这已经是我在taylors求学的最后一个星期了。。。这个星期四就开始考试了,考到下个星期五, 然后就要跟学校讲tata咯~ 星期六我就回家了~ 有点后悔当初订了那么早回的机票,还有好多人都还没见哦,还有好多事情还没做,唉~时间不够用。


遗憾还有很多想学的东西没有学完 ( 我想学拉糖,日本语,还有我的法文现在也是半天吊)

突然好想回去Shangri-La Pastry Kitchen training 哦,CK 还没有教到我做chocolate truffles, Terry 还有很多production的东西都还没教我,我还没有进到lemon garden 和 2go...我好想学怎样做我最爱吃的栗子蛋糕, 我还没有亲手做pavlova 和 macarons... 宝贝还没有教我做almond croissant, 还有还有。。。我还没有克服我的sheeter恐惧症,我要自己成功的sheet完一张dough!

突然觉得,我在这里什么都有。有超级宠我的男朋友,疼我的家人还有关心我的朋友! 可是我竟然选择离开他们。。。 

说真的在kl的这两年真的很开心。我经历了很多,心碎,学坏,开心,感动,失望,崩溃,窝心, 什么都有 =) 当然也学会了很多,长大了。 我很珍惜在这里的每一份回忆,希望我走了后你们不要忘记我哦 =) 2 comments

I'm still alive ! :)

好久没有更新了。我看很多人都以为我的部落格死了吧。你们错了!!!我这就更新了啦 :)

最近好忙, 简直就是超级忙。 好多功课和考试要应付。 要录影片啦。。。唱歌作曲填词啦。。。拍广告啦。。。演歌舞剧啦。。。这个那个的。 各位不要怀疑,是的,我在读着酒店管理系的。 拜托啦!!! 做那些 功课是有够花时间的。。。好累哦。。。还有期中考,还有报告要交。。。等等。。。


最重要的是这个星期天就是DELF A2, 也就是第二级 的法文考试啦。很怕。。。 T.T 其实有点后悔为什么那么早要拿A2, 有很多东西都还没学过的耶。。。 怕我自己应付不来,怕考试怯场,怕作文写不出, 怕listening的时候听不出答案。。。总之就有很多的东西好怕。唉。。。我要加油了。。。就算肥佬了对自己也有个交待。。。至少尽力了

除了学业之外,最近身体也出了很多状况。 前阵子患上了骨痛热症。最近又泻肚子,又发烧,还有莫名的皮肤敏感。 突然觉得自己的机器越来越有问题了。我要改变我的生活和饮食习惯!(等我有时间先)

其实有很多照片要分享的,等我有时间先吧 :) That's all for now la :) 0 comments